How do I Change my Account Password?

To update your account password, you will first need to login to your Client Area on

Once you have logged in, the link that you will need is called 'Update Account', which can be found inside the 'Shortcuts' section on the left.


We first arrive at the 'My Details' page, and we will now select the 'Change Password' button on the left under 'My Account'. Provide your existing password, and your new selection.

Password Tips: excerpt from our Guide to Hardening WordPress from Attackers.

Computers are getting faster all the time, and just because we feel like a password is strong does not mean that it is. A secure password is at least 12 characters (a number that will only increase as computing power grows), and makes use of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (^%$#@*?!). Consider using a lengthy passphrase, or better yet, download a password manager to enable you to keep long and secure passwords for all digital logins.
Important: a 25+ character passphrase with only lower case letters and spaces is exceedingly more secure than a 8 character password that uses all of the different character types, specifically due to computation time increasing exponentially with added characters. Additionally, the 25+ character passphrase will likely be far easier to remember!
Example: "j!bBeR!$h?!@" (12 characters), or "pigeons swiftly exceed housecat landspeed" (41 characters)? The password with 41 characters is safer, and easier to remember! Switch to passphrases today!

  • Password Protection, Update Account
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